Games where the outcomes depend on the actions of the players.
Examples for "skill game"
Examples for "skill game"
1It is very much a skill game, he says.
2BE REAL:The 'Be Real' careers and life skills game is growing in popularity throughout the country.
3Now it's a sort of thing that just crops up everywhere, even on pretty average skill games.
4This polar vortex has challenged me to take my soup skills game to a new level, because honey, this chill is not playing.
1That only happens when you have a game of skill, Boies says.
2Eventually it became a game of skill between the hider and the seeker.
3It's a game of skill and finesse that also indulges the pugilist in everyone.
4When they failed, the court accepted that darts was a game of skill, not chance.
5That it was really a game of skill.
6This competition is a game of skill.
7Baseball is largely a game of skill.
8The appeals court accepted that poker is a game of skill but said DiCristina could still be prosecuted.
9Once two persons happened to be playing a game of skill when Blessed Francis was in the room.
10Happier than a virtual hedgehog in a computerized game of skill, he would say in moments of mirth.
11A game of skill now began.
12The labor of the year is a game of skill, into which also enter the fascinating elements of apparent chance.
13Congress made an exemption for fantasy sports sites, which lawmakers deemed a " game of skill and not chance."
14A game of skill ensued, which took up the greater part of the "Hundred Days" of Napoleon's second reign.
15Boccia is a strategic game of skill, a Paralympic sport that looks a little like French boules but has no equivalent in the Olympics.
16Baker last week said he played a free version of a DraftKings game on his cell phone and concluded it was a game of skill.
Translations for game of skill